Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Workout Wednesday

To say I have been slacking on my blogging is an understatement...On the bright side I have NOT been slacking on my workouts.  While my eating hasn't been bad it hasn't been amazing either.

For the exception of my birthday weekend where I skipped two days worth of working out the most I ever skip is one day.  I missed last Saturday because other then waking up earlier then usual I just didn't have a second to spare (and we all know how I feel about waking up early) even for the 30 minute workout.  We had Madeline's last game of the season, then went to lunch with the team, ran home showered and left to go to work the UM/FSU game.  I didn't get home until 1 the next morning.

Monday night after practice I came up with every excuse in the book not to work out.  I finally decided I would but that I would do the modified version of the workout.  I have just been so tired lately that I have no extra energy to push myself.  I started the workout, Total Cardio Fix, in which we use weights in conjunction with various cardio inspired movements.  I am proud to say once I got started my endorphin kicked in and I was able to do the full workout and didn't need to modify.

As for my eating.  I have been slacking on the weekends.  I would say ninety percent of what I eat is on track.  I'm pretty sure sweet potato fries isn't really a yellow on the 21-day fix.  But if I do splurge on sweet potato fries I try not to have any more carbs for the day.

Dinner lately for me has consisted of Greek yogurt and peanut butter.  While the program considers Greek yogurt a protein I'm not sure if that is all I should be having for dinner.  Once this week is over and I'm down to just competitive cheer I want to get back to cooking myself a more balanced dinner.  

Hope everyone has a good Hump Day.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Favorites

Well I survived a week of being 30...I didn't get to post about my amazing weekend since one, I was obviously busy celebrating and two, the week started off more hectic then usual because my mom had gone away for the weekend and I didn't have her usual assistance with the kids.  The hubby actually took time off from studying and we got to go out with friends Friday AND Saturday night.  Which meant come Sunday he went into hiding to study for a mid-term he had this past Monday. But a last everyone survived-the hubby did great on his test and I didn't jump off the nearest bridge.  

Tomorrow is the weekend and I get to sleep in... LOL said NO mom EVER! I can only hope and dream though.  I am happy to say that we only have a week left of rec cheerleading.  This weekend will be Madeline's last game as a Bronco.  She doesn't think she wants to go back next year.  Instead she is throwing herself (or in her case tumbling) into competitive cheerleading.  

What a difference a year makes when you are a child. 

Tomorrow four of the six teams will being playing in the AYFL Superbowl.  We are very proud of the boys and all their hard work.  While I wont miss the hot (and long) games or not having a Saturday morning to sleep in, I am going to miss cheering on the boys and the interaction with the parents.  Honestly we end of having a good time hanging out together.  With all the time we spend together we've become a little family.

As a true cheerleader Madeline is obsessed with the cheer bows.  I have been lucky so far and had other moms make some for me and at her competitions they have been selling them at a decent price.  One of the moms from last season has been making more and more and getting creative with her designs.  Since Madeline is a base and she is obsessed with the song "I'm all about that base" I wanted to get a bow made for her.  Jessica from Mckailee's Bow-tique didn't fail.  She quickly showed me a design and is going to create it in Madeline's new team colors.  I went a little crazy and ended up buying three other bows.  Can't wait to get them.  I may save one or two as stocking stuffers.

I finally signed Jonathan up for soccer.  He starts up again in January and he can't be more excited.  Lately during cheer practice their have been older boys playing soccer and he loves watching them.   Another benefit of competitive cheerleading especially with the gym we chose  is I will have my weekends back for the most part which allows for Jonathan to have his own activity.  The poor little guy is always dragged  taken to practice with his sister (I'm dying to get him this shirt).  Lucky for him there are other little brothers who are there and he ends up having a blast.  Last night he passed out in the car after running around for an hour and a half.  

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  I'm looking forward to actually getting to relax on Sunday.  I have no where to go until 3:30.  Lets hope the kids let me sleep in.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday Trends...Happy pumpkin spice season

Although I live in Florida and do not get an actual Fall, I absolutely
love the season.  It has all my favorite holidays-Halloween, my birthday, (yes,
I consider that a holiday) and Thanksgiving.  Not to mention all the pumpkin
spice flavored items you can think of!

I also love the decor, colors, and idea of being able to wear layers and boots.
As a true Floridian any time the weather dips below 65 degrees I pull out
my boots and throw on a cute sweater.

For the past year I have been obsessing over the Stuart Weizman knee high
boots.  But with a price tag of $800 I can not justify the purchase.  I know
I wont get my monies worth.

Below are a few fall theme items that I wouldn't mind having in my closet,
house,nails, or kid's closet.  How cute are those leggings from Old Navy for
a little girl.  Too bad they don't have them in Madeline's size.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday.  The weekend is almost here!

Happy pumpkin spice season

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Workout Wednesday

I have been slacking on my blogs but happy to say that I have not been slacking on my workouts!  This past weekend was JAMMED pack with things to do but I was still able to fit in most of my workouts.  I skipped Sunday's yoga because I was just to tired to even stretch.  

I am on my last week of my third challenge and am looking forward to seeing what my results are this time around.  I hope its good because although 90 percent of the time I am good, I haven't been my best this round.  First we had Halloween and it was near impossible to say no to peanut M&Ms.  Thankfully all of them are gone from my house.  Unfortunately it was me who ate them all.

This weekend is my birthday and I know for a fact I am not going to be good.  While I'm not a huge eater so I'm not to worried about that, I do plan on having a couple of drinks.  Not to mention we should double up on workouts our last week but I just haven't had the time or the energy to get them in.  I am at least getting my one work out a day in so something is better then nothing.  

I hadn't done my ten minute ab workout in a while and I did it Monday night.  I love how quick those ten minutes fly by!  My abs are still sore today-two days later.  

I promise to get back on the band wagon after this weekend and stay strict until Thanksgiving when eating goes out the window.  I plan on working out that whole weekend though. No point in totally going off the deep end.  

Hope everyone has a Happy Wednesday.