Monday, October 27, 2014

Weekend Round Ups

I really needed an extra day this weekend to relax.  Unfortunately that is impossible and it looks like I may feel that way until Thanksgiving. While this weekend was jammed pack with activities and left me exhausted the kids had a wonderful time and isn't that what counts?

Friday we went over to a friend's house to paint the pumpkins we bought the weekend before.  The hubby was even able to join us for a few hours.  The kids played and painted their pumpkins while the adults caught up.  We ordered in food and had a nice time just hanging out.

Saturday we woke up to beautiful weather which was much needed after a week worth of rain.  It's the type of weather that makes me love living in Florida.  We had an early start to our jammed pack day.  Since the girl's practice was rained out on Thursday their coach wanted them to get to the game earlier to practice before the game.  Competition is around the corner and all practice is needed.  Unfortunately the boys didn't win their game but we are still in play-offs which means the season continues. 

After the game we went to eat lunch before heading to the carnival.  We got to the carnival around three and didn't leave till seven.  We were going to meet the hubby for dinner but the kids ended up falling asleep in the car.  So we headed home put the kids to bed and the hubby and I ended up catching up on the season of "How to get away with murder".  I don't think watching a legal show with a law student will ever be the same again.

Sunday Madeline's team had a competition.  Although her division wasn't competing we went to cheer on the other girls.  After the competition we met my friend for lunch.  Then it was off to the carnival again.  This is our fourth year of the carnival and I am definitely over it but the kids absolutely love it. We staid another couple of hours before heading home.  

I had to go back to the carnival to do take down of the decoration.  I finally got home and eleven.  Lucky for me Madeline didn't have school today since they have to break down the rides.  I was able to sleep in a little before coming into work.  

This week is just as busy and this weekend is even worse.  However, I have my birthday right around the corner and my bestie is coming into town!  Hope everyone had a good weekend and have a good rest of the week!

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