Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Workout Wednesday

Happy October everyone! This year is moving along at lighting speed.  I am happy to say I finished my first round of my 21 day fix challenge.  Unfortunately the last weekend of the challenge just happen to coincide with my mom's weekend away.  To say I didn't follow the challenge is putting it mildly.  Club Med is known for its white and dark chocolate loaf that they make fresh multiple times a day.  I probably had a loaf by myself through out the weekend.  On top of not following my diet the last three days of it, I lost my original measurements.

I know I lost inches because I remember a few of my previous measurements and I lost three pounds even after all the food and drinking I did on my trip.  My Coach said I shouldn't have weighed or measured myself since I could be retaining water weight from all the food which was very salty.  I decided I was going to measure myself again on Monday to see if there is a difference from this week and maybe I lost more inches then I thought.  

(I love the convenience of doing the workouts at home)

I started another round of the challenge on Monday even though we are leaving for Nashville next week.  At least I will get two full weeks in before and another week left in the challenge when we return.  Monday I was right back to eating withing my containers and working out.  While on the trip this past weekend I was able to work out and I only skipped one day the entire week (it was yoga so I don't feel to bad about missing it).  

I am definitely starting to see changes in my body and my Coach said the second time around is when you really start to see a difference.  I have been able to increase my weights and do a little more each time.  Can't wait to see what my results are the second time around.  If I continue I'll be able to fit in one more challenge right before the big 3-0!  Maybe a set of abs could by my birthday present to myself.  

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!  

(My morning shakeology- frozen fruit, water, and a scoop of the tropical strawberry)

(Most of my lunches consist of salads. They are quick and easy to make the night before.)

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