Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"I workout!"

Last May I bought some kickboxing classes off of Groupon on a whim because I needed to get in shape for a friends wedding. After my first class I was already hooked and bought an additional fifty.  Since then I've been going anywhere from two to four times a week. I get an amazing workout in forty-five minutes, which is just what I need. It is an intense workout that's fast because like most moms we just don't have the time to spend hours in the gym. If you are a mom and have that kind of time PLEASE let me know how you do it! 

Today I signed up for unlimited classes because it came out cheaper per class rather. I went back and forth debating wheat her or not I should. Not because I didn't like the classes, like I said I'm obsessed, but I was just unsure of spending that kind of money. I'm sure other moms can relate with that buyers remorse syndrome I get when it comes to spending money on myself rather then the kids. 

My amazing husband who if it weren't for him I'd probably never buy myself stuff, talked me into it.  I have NO problem spending for the kids. I actually go a little crazy but that's another post. He made a valid point that by me doing this for myself I'm actually helping the kids. First off I'm healthier for them. And secondly I'm working out all my frustrations. 

So in the end make that investment on yourself. Your health is important not only for yourself but for your kids too. Even if you don't want to spend them money on classes maybe just buy yourself some pretty workout clothes. It may motivate you to go for a run. 

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