Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Workout Wednesday

This past week has been pretty busy for us.  Three days of cheer practice, a game on Saturday, a competition on Sunday and the Carnival from Thursday to Sunday.  So I slacked a little on my workouts.  I actually missed all weekend.  When I would finally get home I was exhausted and my body needed rest.  

The week before I was measured again after finishing my second 21 day challenge and I lost a total of 3 1/2 inches.  I'm pretty happy and I am definitely seeing a change in my body.  I am thrilled that I didn't lose any in my chest because lets just say that is the last place I need to lose. 
I did however in my waist and hips! I also lost in my arms a half inch in each arm. 

 I've maintained my weights for the past couple of weeks and I think its time I start increasing them again.  I'm still getting sore and breaking a sweat but the point is to gain muscles.  I heard target's cartwheel app had their weights on sale so I may stop by this weekend in all my free time. (insert sarcastic tone) That way I can increase my weights starting next week.  

I can't believe that next week would already be my third week of my third challenge which means two a days.  Last time I ended up doing four days worth of two a days.  I'm happy to say I achieved my goal of doing at least one more day of two a days that I did the challenge before.  I'm hoping to at least do four again.  My birthday is next week and if I even get my work outs in I'll be happy.  

In two weeks I'll be posting my results again.  Happy Hump Day everyone!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Weekend Round Ups

I really needed an extra day this weekend to relax.  Unfortunately that is impossible and it looks like I may feel that way until Thanksgiving. While this weekend was jammed pack with activities and left me exhausted the kids had a wonderful time and isn't that what counts?

Friday we went over to a friend's house to paint the pumpkins we bought the weekend before.  The hubby was even able to join us for a few hours.  The kids played and painted their pumpkins while the adults caught up.  We ordered in food and had a nice time just hanging out.

Saturday we woke up to beautiful weather which was much needed after a week worth of rain.  It's the type of weather that makes me love living in Florida.  We had an early start to our jammed pack day.  Since the girl's practice was rained out on Thursday their coach wanted them to get to the game earlier to practice before the game.  Competition is around the corner and all practice is needed.  Unfortunately the boys didn't win their game but we are still in play-offs which means the season continues. 

After the game we went to eat lunch before heading to the carnival.  We got to the carnival around three and didn't leave till seven.  We were going to meet the hubby for dinner but the kids ended up falling asleep in the car.  So we headed home put the kids to bed and the hubby and I ended up catching up on the season of "How to get away with murder".  I don't think watching a legal show with a law student will ever be the same again.

Sunday Madeline's team had a competition.  Although her division wasn't competing we went to cheer on the other girls.  After the competition we met my friend for lunch.  Then it was off to the carnival again.  This is our fourth year of the carnival and I am definitely over it but the kids absolutely love it. We staid another couple of hours before heading home.  

I had to go back to the carnival to do take down of the decoration.  I finally got home and eleven.  Lucky for me Madeline didn't have school today since they have to break down the rides.  I was able to sleep in a little before coming into work.  

This week is just as busy and this weekend is even worse.  However, I have my birthday right around the corner and my bestie is coming into town!  Hope everyone had a good weekend and have a good rest of the week!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Favorites

It's Friday but just knowing all that is planned for this weekend and knowing I wont be able to sleep in, is not helping me get excited for it.  Oh the life of a mom!

It is carnival weekend at Madeline's school and while she is thrilled I could definitely do with out.  Although I am not the biggest fan I am happy that I am able to volunteer with the decoration committee and spend the day around the school.  I love that at this age she still gets excited when she sees me on her way to mass.  Since I was at the school I also picked her up and she is thrilled when mommy picks her up.  She also loves being able to tell her friends that her mom helps with the decorations everyone sees through out the carnival.  I hope these days of thinking mom is cool lasts forever!

We are in the heart of competition time for cheerleading and it has consumed my life.  Is she sixteen and can drive herself yet?! No wait, I don't want her to grow up to fast.  I am constantly torn with this.  Anyways...I am very proud that Madeline realizes the importance of her commitment to her team.  Thursday nights the carnival opens and its unofficially known as St. David's night.  Most families go and it is less crowded since it is a school night.  However, Madeline understood she had practice and was understanding that she would not be able to go.  I thought I was going to have an argument on my hands but we didn't.  I even asked if she would rather go support the other teams Sunday at their competition or go to the choir performance and she picked the competition.

I am feeling more and more certain that she will do well this year with competitive cheerleading.  She was allowed to make up her own mind because I definitely do not want to be one of those crazy pushy moms.  Lucky for her the performance is later in the afternoon and I think we will be able to do both.  Since she did choose to support her team I will suck up driving all around Broward County and chauffeur her around.

I must give my hubby a shot out for passing his mid-term and finishing his first of many papers through out his law school career.  He may barely know his name or what day of the week is but he powered through and kicked some butt!! We are very proud of you.  On an even higher note we will be spending some much needed quality time with him this weekend.  What he doesn't know yet is that I will be enlisting his time to help clean up decorations on Sunday night.  

Hope everyone has a good weekend and I'm hoping the weather clears up here.  It has been raining all week long but its supposed to clear up just in time for a nice weekend.  


Monday, October 20, 2014

Weekend Round Ups

I think we should all strike Mondays.  Maybe if no one shows up on Monday we could get away with it.  I know, wishful thinking.  But might be something to consider.

For some reason I could not get to bed last night and of course today I am extra tired.  I am just happy I was able to sleep in on Sunday since Saturday we had to get up earlier then usual since Madeline's game was an away one and further then usual.

As usual my weekend consisted of cheer.  Friday I went to pick up my princess from school.  I love seeing the excitement on her face when she sees my car pulling up to get her.  We went home to get her brother and headed off to the farmer's market to get the veggies for the week.  I was even able to get her to have a fresh coconut Popsicle.  Madeline is super picky and to get her to have fruits and vegetables is a mission and a half.  

We headed back home to drop off the food before we had to go to try outs for the competitive cheer team Madeline is interested in joining.  I keep asking her if she is 100% sure she wants to do this since we had such a bad experience with the previous team she was on.  
This time around it is completely different.  She absolutely loves going to this gym.  We haven't had time to go to her tumbling classes on Tuesday due to choir and the fact that we have had cheer practice plus games for rec all the other days (not to mention I just can't handle six days of cheer!) and she misses it a lot. We have another month to decide to lets she what she chooses.

Saturday started out like all other except that I had a half hour drive to get to the field instead of ten.  After the game we went to lunch with some of the girls and then Madeline went home with her friend to have a play date.  I picked her up and then we headed to a friend's birthday dinner.  It was very low key and I was able to bring the kids but with good company anything is fun.  Since Madeline hadn't been home since we left the house at a quarter to eight she passed out the minute she got home.  Jonathan followed not to long after.

Sunday like I said I slept in till almost nine. WIN! We had breakfast and right when I was going to start getting ready for Girl Scouts we got a message that it was cancelled. WIN times two!  I ended up calling my friend and we decided to go to the pumpkin patch with the kids.  We went to a local farm and what a mistake that was.  Not only was it packed, hot, and expensive, there were no small pumpkins left.  I was not about to by two large $25 pumpkins.  We packed up in the car headed to dunkin donuts to cool off and get a much needed coffee.  After our snacks we drove across the street to Walmart and got the perfect size pumpkins for $2 each.  

Later that evening we were able to have dinner with the hubby which was nice since this is definitely the time in which everything is coming down on him.  He barely knows his own name right now.  But we still couldn't be more proud and just take every minute we get with him and enjoy it to the fullest.  Thankfully everyone was off to bed early and I got to relax with a good book.  That is what kept me up way past my bed time.

Hope everyone had an amazing week and have a good week ahead. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tasty Tuesday

Since I have started the 21-day fix challenge we have been eating in a lot.  (My wallet is very appreciative of that.  I used to eat out for lunch ever day.)  For this "life-style change" as the program likes to call it, you really must prep your food.  While it possible to eat out and stay on the system it makes life much easier if you organize what you eat ahead of time.  It takes the thinking out of eating.  

 For the most part my breakfast and lunches stay the same.  Breakfast I tend to eat two different things.  The days that I have cheer until late I usually have a whole wheat waffle with peanut butter and half a banana.  On the days that I know I am having dinner at home I drink my tropical strawberry shakeology.  Some people in the program just mix it with water or almond milk and are good to go.  I have to have mine like a smoothie.  I add a scoop of the mix with frozen fruit and water into my bullet and give it a spin in two seconds its done and it tastes really good.

For lunch I make a salad every day.  I switch up the veggies but for the most part it stays the same.  Right now I am in a pickled beet kick and add them to every salad when I can.

Dinner is when I get to "spice" it up when we don't have cheer. That isn't very often so I still like to have a quick and easy receipt to whip up.  Last week my mom helped me out while I was at one of Madeline's activities and  threw several chicken breasts in a pot filled with low sodium chicken broth and spices and let simmer for a few hours. When they were done cooking she shredded them and left them in the fridge for me to warm up throughout the week.  (I really have a great mom!)

To warm it up literally took five minutes.  The chicken still had some of the liquid from the broth so I didn't have to add anything to the small frying pan.  I just let the chicken warm up.  One night I added Pete's Hot sauce and it was out of this world.  Another night I just left it plain.  Add a couple of veggies to your plate and you have a delicious meal.  

With the shredded chicken you really could do anything.  I need to make more and this week I'm thinking chicken tacos.  Madeline is picky so I think I'll throw her chicken into a corn tortilla and make a quesadilla for her.  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekend Round Up

Yet another weekend came and went. This weeknd was pretty hectic but at the same time laid back if that's possible. 

Friday was Madeline's homecoming court.  I was running around for the first half getting signs up and then being with the girls on the field. It was worth it though so the the younger girls excited about being picked princess. Madeline's group of girls were torn about being picked. They didn't want to walk with the boys. Let's see if they feel that way in five years. 

They looked so cute in their outfits and did great job with their routine. Afterwards the team all sat together and ate. The girls had a blast running around and eating cupcakes. 

Saturday we were back on the field for the homecoming game. I was still running around during the game getting raffle tickets sold and making sure we had people helping during the merchandise booth. Oh the glamorous life of the team mom! On top of it I had Jonathan with me because we were going to a play date directly afterwards. Once I was able to get other parents to help out (which I must say is like pulling teeth. I hate always picking the same parents who help all the time.) 

The girls did another great half time show and the boys won their game! I'm very proud of the boys but this mostly means we are going to play offs which means no end in sight of games and four days a week of cheer.  The real kicker is that one of the play of games if we continue to advance is on my birthday. Is it wrong to bring drinks to the game to start my celebration? I means it's not every day you turn thirty!

After the game we went over to a friends house to play. The kids swam and played for hours. We left in hopes of running errands so I could relax Sunday. The minute I got in the car Jonathan fell asleep and all errands went out the window. 

Sunday we got up and headed to mass. Madeline has now joined her school's choir. ( we didn't have enough extra curricular activities!) They sing during the mass twice a month. After mass the church has donuts and coffee for the congregation. We staid a bit so Miss. Social Butterfly could talk with her friends. Overall it was very nice and I am happy she joined. The daddy was even able to come and watch. My in laws came to see Madeline sign so after she got to socialize we went to lunch with them while the hubby went to work. 

We went home for a bit and then met with my friend who has a little boy Jonathan's age for ice cream. The boys and Madeline had frozen yogurt and then ran around for about an hour. I finally ended up going grocery shopping after the play date. We made dinner and then off to bed.

 It's Monday night and it's another long week. I'm happy to say we don't have any major plans this weekend except for games and Girl Scouts. For us that's pretty low key. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday Everyone.  This week flew by, probably because I was so busy.  I felt like I didn't have enough time in the day to get everything I wanted done.  But in true mommy fashion everything worked out and things got done.

This weekend we were supposed to be heading to a friends wedding in Nashville.  I was beyond excited and could not wait to spend the alone time with the hubby.  No one says how hard the first year of law school is on the spouses or significant others.  However, the dreaded law school got in the way and we aren't going to be able to make it.  I am heartbroken that we are missing out on our friends special day but unfortunately we knew what we were getting into when the hubby signed up for law school.  We both promised that school was going to be his number priority and other things would have to come in second place.  Which is why I am forever grateful that I married him. He does an amazing job though still trying to get time in with the kids.  He gets Madeline ready in the morning so that is their time together.  Luckily the hubby doesn't have to be to work until ten so he is able to time with Jonathan before he goes to work.  I get the short end of the stick but I'd much rather him spend time with the kids then me who understands why daddy can't be around all the time.

Tonight Madeline has her Homecoming show case and she can't wait.  The theme this year is Candy and the girls are all decked out in neon colors to look like different kinds of candy.  She is also thrilled because her daddy will be there.  Its our family night where we get him for a  few hours before he heads off to study some more.  While I'm sad we wont be heading to Nashville after the show, on the bright side I'll be able to go to Madeline's game tomorrow as well.

Yesterday was my weekly trip down to Miami with my mom.  She got her wound closed yesterday which means we are one step closer to the end.  She goes again next week to have her stitches removed and we are done.  She will still need to go back monthly for injections that should help with her eye sight but that is much better then weekly visits.

Finally, I wouldn't be a mom if I didn't brag about my kids at some point or another.  I am beyond proud of my baby girl.  Not only did she do a great job during her speaking part at her class' mass but she also was sent home with the most wonderful note from her teacher.  

You know you are doing a good job as a parent when you see these things.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.  I'm looking forward to a free-ish Sunday to relax and regroup.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Workout Wednesday

I can't believe I am already on my second week of my second 21-day fix challenge.  This time around has definitely gone easier.  I am at the point that I really don't need to use my containers because I've gotten the portions down.  The workouts continue to challenge me because I can increase my weights or I am able to do more reps.

While I am not supposed to I jumped on the scale the other day to see if I had lost more weight.  I'm not sure if I have or if I've lost all the water weight from my trip.  Turns out I had dropped another couple of pounds.  I'm really not trying to lose any weight.  I few pounds wouldn't kill me and would give me some wiggle room come the holidays but overall that isn't my main goal.  If anything I will gain weight as I gain muscle.  

I have another week worth of this challenge.  (It really goes by so fast) During the final week the suggest to double up on workouts to maximize your results.  Last time I doubled up four of the seven days so I want to at least do that if not all the days.  I am really excited to see the deference in inches this time around since I put my measurements in my phone this time and can't lose them.

Friends have asked me how long am I going to do this and will I do it over the holiday season.  I plan on continuing for the foreseeable future.  Like I've said this program is really easy to follow.  I don't really consider it a diet.  Obviously I would like to over indulge in cheeses and peanut butter (I'd take those over sweets any day!) but who says I can't every now and then.  Just because I have a cheat meal or a cheat weekend doesn't mean I have to quit and over indulge ever day.  My birthday is coming up and without a doubt there will be a few cocktails throughout the weekend.  I have a friends 40th birthday coming up and I will partake in the festivities for sure.  We cannot forget my favorite holiday of all time, Thanksgiving.  I will be undeniably gorging on food.  Even though I plan on eating and drinking throughout the holidays and for the special occasions coming up I still plan on doing my workouts.    

Before I started the 21-day fix I found it so hard to workout on days that I had cheer.  With cheer up to four days a week, not including tumbling class, I am still getting my workouts in.  Lucky for me four other cheer moms are doing this program and we workout together during practice.  During busy weeks like this one (it's Homecoming) we can't during practice but I don't mind getting home to do it since it is only 30 minutes from warm-up to cool-down.

Who wouldn't want to work out when you have one the cutest workout partners ever?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekend Round Ups

Hope everyone had a good weekend.  My was filled of birthday parties and banner making with a dash of Girl Scouts and football games.

Friday night Madeline's best friend's little brother had his birthday party at one of those bounce house places.  It was nice because since he just turned five and most of the kids in the class are four and five I was able to bring Jonathan.  The hubby even joined us before heading to his second home, the library, to study.  

As usual, our Saturday started off with a game.  I absolutely love that all the little football players wear pink socks and the girls where their pink bows and knee high socks to support breast cancer awareness.  One of the player's mom died last year of breast cancer so they are selling special apparel for which all the proceeds will go to his college trust fund.  

Directly after the game, which we won, we had another birthday party.  Since it was held at the birthday girl's house her mom hired Polynesian Dancers to come do a show and teach the girls to do dances.  The girls had a blast to say the least.

After being gone all day long I got home and the kids and I plus my mom went out to dinner since Jonathan hadn't gotten to do much that day. To make up for is on Sunday I took Jonathan grocery shopping with me and spent some one on one time with him.  He loves coming grocery shopping with me because he "helps" pick out food and gets to try the samples from the deli.

When we got home from the store, I got Madeline dressed to head out to a friends house to help make poster's for their Homecoming game this week.  Jonathan staid with my mom and went swimming.  We were cutting it close with the poster making and had to haul it to Girl Scouts.  

I rounded out my day with making a quick stop at Michael's (FYI to all who didn't know but Hobby Lobby is not open on Sunday's.  Made that mistake of going their first.)  Then to my aunts house where my mom was with Jonathan swimming with my cousin.  We actually started planning who is making what for Thanksgiving.  How is that even possible that that is already in the works?

Finally made it home, made dinner, prepped my lunch for today, and got my workout in before it was bed time for the kiddos.  Is it bad that I cherish bedtime?  Am I the only one?

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and have a happy Monday.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Favorites

It has been a long time since I have posted a Friday Favorite.  Probably because every Friday for the past few months I have spent going down to Miami with my mom for her doctor's visits.  Although I still went to Miami this morning it was a rather successful visit and didn't leave my completely drained.

So first I am thankful that it did not take my two hours to get down there.  Last week I got on the road at 8:30 and didn't park my car until 10.  If there was no traffic at all the trip should only take me thirty minutes max and I think that's going the speed limit.  

I am also happy to say that my mother is progressing nicely.  Next week they may be one of our last visits if all goes as planned.  She will then only have to go monthly for some time afterwards.  Much better then weekly.

Another thing to be happy about is my baby girl got Student of the Month.  We are very proud of our princess!  Madeline tends to be the youngest in her class and that tends to show with her maturity.  That girl can TALK!  She has a story for everything and can't help but want to share it with everyone.  So the fact that she got Student of the Month goes to show my little girl is growing up.  Que tears...I absolutely love seeing her grow up and see the little women she will become.  I'm definitely not ready but I am happy to now she is on the right path.

Now on to the trivial stuff....

It's October! One of my favorite months of the year.  I am absolutely obsessed with all things fall and Halloween.   Too bad I live in Florida which means we don't actually get a fall, but we can't have it all right?  Guess I should be happy that come winter we can still be at the beach and not bundled under a million and one layers of clothes.  

I heard on the news we are getting a "cold" front.  Which probably means low of 70.  I am pretty sure at some point I will see someone bust out their Uggs.  

Happy Friday all.  Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday Trends....Fight like a girl

This week's trend holds a very special place in my heart.  My grandmother
who was very near and dear to me passed away  after fighting as hard as
she could against breast cancer.

Every October it brings me great joy to see all the wonderful companies
that bring out products to support the fight against this terrible disease. states that one in eight women in the U.S. will develop
invasive breast cancer.  So must likely anyone who reads this has been affected
in one way or another.

It is so very important to check yourself and do those monthly exams.  My
 Grandmother detected it herself.   She even went to a doctor who told her she
was fine.  But she knew something was wrong and went for a second opinion.
It is always good to trust your instinct.  You know your body the best.

So during the month of October in between all the Halloween things please
take the time and grab something that supports this wonderful cause!

Fight like a girl

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Workout Wednesday

Happy October everyone! This year is moving along at lighting speed.  I am happy to say I finished my first round of my 21 day fix challenge.  Unfortunately the last weekend of the challenge just happen to coincide with my mom's weekend away.  To say I didn't follow the challenge is putting it mildly.  Club Med is known for its white and dark chocolate loaf that they make fresh multiple times a day.  I probably had a loaf by myself through out the weekend.  On top of not following my diet the last three days of it, I lost my original measurements.

I know I lost inches because I remember a few of my previous measurements and I lost three pounds even after all the food and drinking I did on my trip.  My Coach said I shouldn't have weighed or measured myself since I could be retaining water weight from all the food which was very salty.  I decided I was going to measure myself again on Monday to see if there is a difference from this week and maybe I lost more inches then I thought.  

(I love the convenience of doing the workouts at home)

I started another round of the challenge on Monday even though we are leaving for Nashville next week.  At least I will get two full weeks in before and another week left in the challenge when we return.  Monday I was right back to eating withing my containers and working out.  While on the trip this past weekend I was able to work out and I only skipped one day the entire week (it was yoga so I don't feel to bad about missing it).  

I am definitely starting to see changes in my body and my Coach said the second time around is when you really start to see a difference.  I have been able to increase my weights and do a little more each time.  Can't wait to see what my results are the second time around.  If I continue I'll be able to fit in one more challenge right before the big 3-0!  Maybe a set of abs could by my birthday present to myself.  

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!  

(My morning shakeology- frozen fruit, water, and a scoop of the tropical strawberry)

(Most of my lunches consist of salads. They are quick and easy to make the night before.)