Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday Workout

This past week because of Madeline's cheerleading I was only able to work out four days.  At least it is something right?  Last season during cheerleading some of the other moms and I would walk the track and get in two and a half miles.  Right now unfortunately we haven't been able to get back to that.  I'm hoping once season does start and I'm not doing cheer mom duties I can get back at it.  I also saw that the park where the girls practice offers a boot camp.  I want to investigate more and convince the other moms to join me.  Since I knew I wasn't going to be able to go to my usual Tuesday night boot camp the girl's coach and another mother and I grabbed some workouts off of pinterest and started doing them on the field.  I'm sure we were very entertaining.  Our workout consisted of a 45 second plank, 50 squats, 15 push ups, 15 dips, 20 sit ups, 20 leg raises, and 1 minute of jumping jacks.  I always try to remember that even if it isn't a full workout its something.  

Last Friday I was able to do my usual boot camp and I always feel like if I haven't been able to make a workout it makes up for it.  Boot camp this time was made up of six stations.  Each station lasted two minutes with a minute break in between.   The exercises were kettle bell squats with either a 25 or 35 pound kettle bell, jump squats with an eight pound weight, pushups, sprawls, burpees, and ball slams.  The entire time I was thinking for boot camps this was a pretty easy one.  How mistaken was I.  Right when we were getting to our last station the instructor informed us we would be going another round each station being only a minute.  He also happened to switch up the exercises.  Round two consisted of kettle bell swings, burpees, v-ups, arm raises with the medicine ball, jumps over the parking bumper, and arm swings with a weight.  We were supposed to do a minute of the workout and a minute of sprints.  As usual I left drenched in sweat and barely able to move.  Overall a great workout!

Saturday I thought our kick boxing class wouldn't have any of the exercises we used the night before because the instructor had been in the boot camp with us.  I was very wrong! My legs were on fire.  I had every plan on making up my missed workout on Sunday but my legs were begging me to take the day off.

Monday my gym was only having an early morning class because of the Holiday.  Usually when there are classes on a Holiday my lovely instructor kicks it up ten notches and the class lasts at least an hour.  He did not fail us, his mentality is that we are going to eat a little more and drink a little more so this way we wont feel so guilty. I guess I really should be thanking him...

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